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Having worked rehabilitating all sorts of injuries as a result of all sorts of circumstances, I incorporate all areas of my training in bringing the individual back to balance.

When an individual is suffering with physical pain or discomfort as a result of trauma, an accident or they have experienced long term sickness or chronic long term pain, these need to be address in a multifaceted way as we are complex beings.

To an osteopath, for your body to work well, its structure must also work well. So we work to restore your body to a state of balance, using manipulation, stretching, massage without the use of drugs and surgery. Improving the mobility of joints whilst relieving muscle tension & enhancing blood flow which helps your body’s own healing mechanisms.

Then in addition as a transformational mentor and coach I use various strategies and processes to deal with other facets of the situation that can have an effect that is not only physical but mental and emotional.
By treating an individual in this way and addressing all areas, any blocks that are preventing my clients in regaining their optimal physical function and health can be removed. This is why I see people long after the onset of their original incident that are still experiencing pain and discomfort at a time when their tissues would have all been healed.

Find out how our products can support you

Contact me today with your questions on what our courses cover and how best to start your resilience journey. During this informal chat, you will be able to get a feel for how your mind works and how Break The Pattern training can enhance the way you live and feel.

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