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Clinical Hypnotherapy

I utilise multiple disciplines when working with individuals as in my experience it’s not a one size fits all and using techniques that best suit the client results in a positive effective result gained in the least amount of time needed.

Simply speaking hypnosis is an altered state of consciousness. Clinical Hypnosis or Hypnotherapy, therefore, is the use of an altered state of consciousness, or trance, for therapeutic endpoint. This means that people are not treated with hypnosis but are treated in hypnosis.

Examples of a trance state many have experienced are day dreaming, being absorbed in a book or music or television, driving and arriving at your destination without recalling all the usual landmarks, or that moment just prior to going to sleep or waking up. The trance state is a natural phenomenon and completely safe when delivered with a professionally qualified and registered therapist.

Does it work?
Yes, clinical hypnotherapy is an evidence-based therapy, with over 70,000 research references worldwide. However, hypnotherapy is not a form of magic pill or quick fix. It requires that the client be committed to change and prepared to make the effort to make that change a reality, we as therapist help facilitate that change.

How does it work?
Our beliefs, habits and behaviours are stored as information within the subconscious mind some helpful some not so helpful. The subconscious is a tremendous reservoir of our strengths, knowledge and resources and with the use of hypnosis we can access the area you wish to look at to change unwanted habits and behaviours or find solutions to problems and concerns.

The first session usually lasts one and a half hours with subsequent sessions between 45 minutes to an hour.

  • Nobody can ever be hypnotised against their will and even when hypnotised, people still remain in complete control of any suggestions given.
  • The whole object of clinical hypnosis is to take back control that has been lost and which has therefore resulted in the symptom or problem.

Some uses such as relaxing and calming a person require minimal change on the part of the individual, more complex behaviour patterns such as overeating or treatment of panic disorders or reactive (non-clinical) depression require a more complex therapeutic intervention together with psychological and behavioural homework.

If you would like to know more please do not hesitate to get in contact and we can discuss this type of treatment and if it would be suitable with no obligation.

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Contact me today with your questions on what our courses cover and how best to start your resilience journey. During this informal chat, you will be able to get a feel for how your mind works and how Break The Pattern training can enhance the way you live and feel.

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