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NLP Master Practitioner

NLP is an extremely powerful concept used to enhance self-development and awareness, moving you towards personal transformation.

The unconscious mind is a powerful part of you’ it’s where your thoughts, your behaviours, your thinking, your memories, your habits… your entire model of the world lives from this sometimes mystical place. It has taken in every detail of everything you have ever seen, done, heard, smelt, tasted.

NLP therapy and coaching is extremely effective, because rather than just using questioning skills to get you talking about something, other techniques can be used to help you change your behaviours and your thinking. This allows you to be released from the negative or unhelpful memories, thoughts or feelings that are holding you back from making progress.

Following your dreams and reaching your full potential can at times seem impossible. However with NLP specialist techniques to help guide you to realise that the only thing holding you back in life is you.
Maybe you’ve never been given the opportunity, or your responsibilities are holding you back from your goals, or maybe you can’t break away from a daily routine or habit, the reasons you tell yourself are not really what’s stopping you from making your achievements!

Using NLP we break down the mental barriers we unknowingly create for ourselves. NLP is recognised as one of the most advanced technologies today for creating human change dealing with our subconscious & inner programs enabling us to produce faster results towards a happier and infinitely more satisfying life.
This type of coaching will teach you how changing the way you perceive the world leads you to adjust and adapt your behaviour in order to live the life you dream of. We work together in breaking through barriers to harness your full potential.

NLP can be used to assist the development of:

  • Performance (in the office or on the field)
  • Stress – around home or work dynamics
  • Improving communication
  • Resolving destructive relationship patterns
  • Letting go of emotional baggage
  • Lending meaning & understanding of yourself & others

Find out how our products can support you

Contact me today with your questions on what our courses cover and how best to start your resilience journey. During this informal chat, you will be able to get a feel for how your mind works and how Break The Pattern training can enhance the way you live and feel.

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