
Mob: +44 (0) 7407 962 221

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Our body works as a barometer letting us know how we are coping. It gives us clues when we need to deal with something, or it’s craving a bit of rebalancing, it communicates this through the not so helpful coping behaviours we exhibit, anxiety, phobias, depression or through physical aches and pains.

When we feel troubled its a calling card of the body advertising its desire to get back to a healthy, happy, balanced state of living. I want to make it easy for you and support you in reducing or removing the suffering so you can refocus on living the life you want.

Qualifications & Experience

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Whether you know it or not, you’ve inadvertently programmed adverse patterns and behaviours into your mind. Let me help you overcome these mental challenges.  To put it simply: How we show up in stress is how we show up in other areas of our  life.

I help my clients clear out whats stopping them using advanced therapy techniques following a holistic approach without medication. We work with the body and mind processes, meaning all treatment can be successfully completed.

Find out how our products can support you

Contact me today with your questions on what our courses cover and how best to start your resilience journey. During this informal chat, you will be able to get a feel for how your mind works and how Break The Pattern training can enhance the way you live and feel.

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Jocelyn is very passionate about what she does and balances humour with professionalism making it fun. The processes are startlingly simple and very powerful. We have worked on several topics with exceptional results, uncovering blind spots, improving my perception, communication skills and mind-set. Jocelyn offers tools that will move you forward to wherever you want to go.

R Dhrall Manager

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Putting the ‘Human’ back into ‘Health’.

The type of powerful therapy I offer will help you:

  • Understand stress and how to make it work for you
  • Boost your confidence and self-esteem
  • Remove flashbacks and negative emotions caused by P.T.S.D.
  • Mastering your mind to deal and reframe negative thinking
  • Say goodbye to your phobias
  • Free yourself  from bad habits without a feeling of loss
  • Let go old feelings of anger and resentment
  • Remove your fear and anxiety thats crippling you 
  • Be proactive and the driver of your behaviours and life
  • Feel happier, calmer and confident
  • Do the things you may only have ever dreamed of doing or having
  • Create authentic, fulfilling relationships

Why this is her passion?

With a unique understanding of the Body and Mind, and how physiology and neurology work, Jocelyn found her calling and is on a mission to continually make a lasting impact in people’s lives by helping them become the healthiest and happiest versions of themselves by raising their baseline of resilience in the simplest and most realistic way possible.

No matter what the problem may be or the extent to which it has affected their daily lives, she leverages a holistic and innovative approach to facilitate creative personalised solutions. 

Founder of Break the Pattern, a foundation that offers flexible training and treatment. Jocelyn is an intuitive and non-judgmental professional who offers something extra; she has been there before.

Prompted to a path of self-discovery at the age of 19 when she took advantage of an evening self-assertion course, she has survived a motorbike accident, a house fire as well as a couple of PTSD instances which she successfully turned around and starting to look into physical pain and why people experienced it even when there was no obvious trauma.

She has committed 18 years towards serving others by capitalising on her extensive studies and own experiences coupled with dedicated research into obtaining the best combinations of treatment for fast effective results and the creation of her own educational programs, Functional Body Mind Re-balancing (FMBR) programs. She works with all sorts of industries and tailor makes the training so its relevant, effective and based on the culture and challenges specific to their staff’s needs. By following this process Jocelyn offers priceless value to the individuals and businesses she works with.

Jocelyn may be an accademic when it comes to the workings of the body and mind but she balances humour and professionalism to make the whole process of change and learning, valuable and memorable, she combines her compassionate yet solution-focused therapy style and unique perspective on life to guide her clients on how to instigate and accept essential changes. She gets to wear multiple hats as an accommodating listener, as she prioritises on creating an engaging, safe and confidential space where her clients can feel immediately relaxed and safe.

Her goal is to adapt her modern and flexible training to educate and empower people to manage their mind so they can manage their health.

Contact me today so that you can find out how I can help you achieve your desired outcomes and if you are feeling stuck and aren’t sure what it is you are looking for or what’s missing. During this informal chat you will be able to get a feel for working with me, talk about what is not quite working for you and how you ideally want it to be or I can help you shed some light on what it is that’s missing.

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