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Cognitive Behavioural Therapy or CBT is commonly referred to as a therapy that focuses on assessing the particular ways in which we think, behave, perceive, act and react. This knowledge enables you to successfully deal with behavioural, emotional and social challenges.

The aim is to unlock and release your potential to bring about ‘major positive improvements’ by focusing upon presenting issues and offering more balanced and focused ways of addressing and handling these situations, resulting in a positive outcome.

The strategies and processes within this practice offer powerful practical tools for personal exploration, problem solving and development. The techniques also offer solutions in dispelling negative thought processes and patterns that can continually ruminate in our minds causing us to suffer with insomnia, anxiety, overwhelm, agoraphobia, panic disorders and distress.

Find out how our products can support you

Contact me today with your questions on what our courses cover and how best to start your resilience journey. During this informal chat, you will be able to get a feel for how your mind works and how Break The Pattern training can enhance the way you live and feel.

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