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Jocelyn has helped me to move on with my life in a way I never thought possible. I suffered with chronic pain and had no idea what to expect as no-one had any answers. I immediately felt safe and supported, the results went way beyond my expectations. I was off my killers after just two sessions. I feel I have my life back. Forever grateful for her wealth of experience and wisdom. You're in safe hands with Jocelyn.

T Smythe House Wife

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Chronic Pain.:

This can be caused by a traumatic physical accident or emotional shock. A Sporting injury. Long term lack of self care. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (P.T.S.D.) After or during intense stressful periods in life. Compounded fears, negative environments.  A predisposition of a traumatic childhood. 

Impact of Chronic Pain.:

Loss of the person you used to be. Existing not living. Loss of identity. Financial pressures. Anxiety, depression. Phobic responses to movement or leaving your home, feeling like you’re being punished by pain when you try to do the things you enjoy. Insomnia, physical exhaustion. Negative thinking and inner turmoil. Distress at taking strong medication. Fear of what the future holds. 

Contact Jocelyn for an informal friendly chat about how together you can create effective positive change that will last.

Treatment Plan.:

Initial consultation and assessment approx. 1.5hrs

After which you will receive a plan where you will be supported through your different phases of recovery based entirely on your unique needs. The aim is to give you independence and get you back to doing the things you love in the shortest time possible.

All sessions can be in person, with support offered along your journey by text, telephone, Skype or Zoom.

‘Finding the Solutions from within’

You don’t have to have your life limited to experiencing enjoyment and pleasure because of chronic pain, there is a way you can start living again. I know you have probably tried everything out there and then some! Please be assured that Jocelyn gives her patients more time on her initial consultation than you would have spent with any other medical specialist and this is a vital part in identifying why you have ended up where you are today. 

Jocelyn is a qualified primary care practitioner with a bachelor of science degree but she is also well trained in the understanding of the mind and incorporates both in a multifaceted approach to create successful outcomes for her clients. She has personally experienced the realms of chronic pain both through mental burnout in her early 20’s and physical injury in her 30’s where she had to learn to walk again. This wealth of experience enables Jocelyn to understand what it is you are going through and the adjustments you have had to make to your life and the sacrifices and hardship of living with something no one else can see or seem to understand.

Maybe you have heard conflicting stories dependent on what medical professional you have seen, and no doubt this has only left you feeling even more fearful, confused and with no idea what you can do next or even if what you are supposed to be doing to help yourself so you continue to suffer.  

When it comes to Chronic pain it requires  a multifaceted approach tailor made to you. If you are still looking for your solution lets get started with a conversation and identify the right plan for you in getting you back to enjoying your life again. We will look at how we can get you there as quickly and effortlessly way possible because our advanced treatment solutions work on permanent change at root cause and give you your independence back. 

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