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Immune Booster


A guided visualisation designed to boost your immune system naturally. Promoting general wellness and resilience, supporting your body’s normal, ongoing protection against ever-present bacteria, viruses, and our cells that are no longer fit for purpose. Or you can use this for a mental boost if you are feeling a little depleted. A holistic FBMR™ technique that is aimed to help you achieve specific goals of health and wellbeing.

  • Comprehensive holistic deep cleansing of the immune system.
  • Helping rebalance the nervous system of the body & mind.
  • Initiates the body to enter into a rejuvenation state.
  • Empties the mind of thoughts.
  • Slowing of brain waves to support holistic health.
  • Reduces physical aches, pains and tiredness.
  • Assists the proper working of the immune system

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