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I worked with Jocelyn relating to a personal issue, she is very intuitive, understanding and non-judgemental. Her initial approached was using content free strategies which was very helpful. She helps you see things in different ways & this has had a positive ripple effect in other areas of my life both personal & professional, I can’t thank her enough

J Roberts Executive

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Causes of Anxiety.:

Social functions, dealing with hostile family members. Performance anxiety; Sports, Actors, Musicians. A bullying boss, co-worker or partner. Unresolved emotional issues. A history of a traumatic childhood

Symptoms of Anxiety.:

Insomnia or sleep disturbance. Self medicating with drugs and alcohol. IBS, stomach issues. Negative thinking and inner turmoil. Feeling panicky, tearful and down. Unexplained physical aches and pains. Wanting to hide, being withdrawn. Poor self care. Needing frequent reassurances from other people.

Contact Jocelyn for an informal friendly chat about how together you can create fast, effective positive change that will last. 

Solution Sessions.:

FREE Initial consultation and treatments ranging from 20 minutes to 2 hrs.

All sessions 45 mins or over can be in person, with the shorter sessions taking place via phone, Skype or Zoom.

All conversations are in the strictest of confidence.

‘Finding the Solutions from within’

“Finding the Solutions from within”

 Take a moment and imagine how you would feel if you didn’t have to experience heart racing, stomach-churning feelings or the constant chatter in your mind on a day to day basis? How would your life be different, what things could you do, how would you feel?

90% of us experience anxiety at one time or another but few of us actually seek help, so you have already taken the first step by looking for a solution.  Maybe the mere thought of making that call to a stranger to tell them the things you are feeling and thinking stops you dead in your tracks.  Maybe you think that the process is going to be a struggle and that you’ll get things wrong or you might have already experienced a therapist, counselor or psychologist that made you feel this way in the past?

 To help relieve some of your concerns, the way Jocelyn works with her clients and the processes she uses means you won’t feel judged because you are finding your own answers so you can never be wrong.  The problem is not that you don’t have the answers,  you just don’t have the key to get to past the analytical mind to get to them.  Jocelyn helps you work with your body and mind to unlock the answers that we all have inside and explains the science backed explanations as to why this is so.

Jocelyn has worked with clients that have found themselves at their all-time low, where they feel they can’t go on living how they are. The thing is it doesn’t have to be this way and to break this pattern we use proven methods to remove your anxiety, panic attacks and social phobias without medication. There is no need to analyze the past or using vague fluffy explanations.  Jocelyn uses a holistic approach to enable you to be in control of your mind and your life at your pace and when you are ready. 

If you’re ready, you’ve already taken the first step now lets get started with a conversation and identify the right solution for you in getting you the results you want. We will look at how we can get you there as quickly and effortlessly way possible because our advanced treatment solutions work on permanent change and not a sticking plaster.  

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